Friday, December 27, 2019

My Experience At Tuskegee University - 1658 Words

My experience began as early as college, when I used to volunteer with school going children in orphanages, and would advise them on the social problems they faced in school. That is when I decided that being a school counselor was the â€Å"perfect† job for me. Having started at an early age, I find that my expertise does in fact lie in helping students deal with social pressure, and helping them cope with the stress and frustration it brings. I have also been successfully able to help students improve their self-esteem by making them focus on past successes, so that they may be able to garner the strength for future aspirations. I don t think age has any role to play when it comes to warming up to students. As long as they can find a mentor, a guide and trust in someone, they are likely to open up to them. As I started my college career at Tuskegee University, where I double majored in psychology and English. I was passionate about creating social awareness and helping people, but I was unsure what career I was interested in after graduation. I thought about attending graduate school for Counseling Psychology, but I just was not sure about it. I spoke to a professor in the Counselor Education program at Georgia State University and discussed my interests with her. She suggested I look for a program accredited by Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) School Counseling. I enrolled in the School Counseling program at Clark AtlantaShow MoreRelatedEssay about The Tuskegee Airmen and Charles McGee1524 Words   |  7 PagesMany have heard of the Tuskegee Airmen and their accomplishments. They were a group of African American fighter pilots. They proved to be quite vital to the success of World War II. What many people may not know is the Tuskege e Airmen had several squadrons which fought throughout Europe during the war. The most famous squadron was the 332nd fighter squadron, they were commonly known as the Red Tails. Charles McGee was among those men apart of the Red Tail squadron. Charles McGee is one of most notableRead MoreI Had The Privilege Of Being One Of Dr. Miller s Students765 Words   |  4 PagesI had the privilege of being one of Dr. Miller’s students during my matriculation at Tuskegee University. Through her courses, I was able to learn more than I expected about composition and literature, by fresh, non-traditional methods. The majority of my writing and analytical skills and academic success can be attributed to her classroom experiences. One of the most important aspects of Dr. Miller’s class is the encouragement of revision. After submitting an essay, Dr. Miller gives her studentsRead MoreNon Systemic Testimonial Injustice By Miranda Fricker1287 Words   |  6 Pagesoccurs when a speaker receives less credibility and respect towards their knowledge than they deserve. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Financial Performance of Marriott Corporation Case Study

Essays on Financial Performance of Marriott Corporation Case Study The paper "Financial Performance of Marriott Corporation" is a perfect example of a case study on finance and accounting. Marriott International, Inc. is one of the leading hospitality firms with an estimated three thousand nine hundred properties around the world and 18 brands. Alice Marriott and J. Willard founded it. It is headquartered in Bethesda USA. In the 2013 fiscal year, the company earned revenues of almost $13 billion. This shows the company’s rate of growth has been satisfying. In 1987, the company’s sales increased by 24% while return on equity remained at 22%. The company deals in three divisions: contract services, restaurants, and lodging. The growth of the company is in line with its three main objectives of being the preferred employer, being the preferred provider and lastly being the most profitable company.What is the proper way for Marriott management to measure the firm's debt capacity?Measuring the debt capacity of Marriott Company involves eval uating the amount of debt the company can repay on time without forfeiting its financial capability. It involves determining the company's appropriate maximum value of long-term debt that could remain outstanding at a given time. When determining its debt capacity, the company should consider its cash flow, current assets, and fixed assets. In addition to this increase in interest rates of a company shares as well as the floating rates can also increase its debt capacity. Other methods that can be used to measure the company debt capacity include the company’s ability to pay above the government bond rates. The part of debt at a floating rate, the market value of its shares, the  fraction  at  fixed  rates as well as the credit  spread for the company as  a  whole could also be used to increase its debt capacity as well as motivate investors to lend the company some money.Has Marriott fully utilized its debt capacity?It is very hard to determine if Marriott has fully utilized its debt capacity. According to its chief financial officer, 74% of the company operating income would be provided for by the hotel management operations. The low volatility of cash flows coming from management contracts enabled Marriott Company to a higher level of debt capacity relative to cash flows that would not have been possible had the company had a bad debt capacity.   The company acknowledged the link between the debt capacity and the stability of cash flows in its financial statement. The statement states that the debt capacity of the firm is determined by the variability and amount of its cash flows’. A combination of high debt capacity and of low capital requirements enabled the Marriott family to maintain the control of the firm even though its revenue by 512% from 1980 to 1992.Repurchasing its own stockRepurchase of stock could lead to financing the firm, investing in the firm, controlling the firm as well as distributing shareholders. It can a lso be viewed as a way of using the company’s excess debt capacity. The company would be able to reduce the cost of equity financing. This is likely to enable the firm to reinvest in the company while at the same time increase its capacity to earn more profits in the future. Consequently, the corporation would determine the value of its share rather than depending on the market price of shares.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Illustrious Case free essay sample

The key inputs to implement a Material Requirement Planning come from three sources: a Bill of Materials (BOM), a Master Production Schedule and Inventory Records. The Bill of Materials contain information on every item or assembly required to produce end items, this includes raw materials, component parts, and subassemblies. The Master Production Schedule anticipates how much of each item is wanted and when is wanted. The Master Production Schedule is developed from forecasts and firm customer orders for end items, safety stock requirements, and internal orders. The Inventory Records provides information of how much inventory is already on hand or on order, and thus should be substracted from the material requirements. These records must be kept up to date. The outputs expected from MRP inlude three primary reports and three secondary reports. The primary reports consist of: planned order schedules, which outline the quantity and timing of future material orders; order releases, which authorize orders to be made; and changes to planned orders, which might include cancellations or revisions of the quantity or time frame. We will write a custom essay sample on Illustrious Case or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The secondary reports include: performance control reports, which are used to track problems like missed delivery dates and stock outs in order to evaluate system performance; planning reports, which can be used in forecasting future inventory requirements; and exception reports, which identifies major problems like late orders or excessive scrap rates. The bills of materials for two finished products (D and E), inventory status, and other relevant information are given below. Compute the planned order releases and projected on-hand inventory balances for parts D, E, and F.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Perception of the Self according to Socrates

The perception of the self, according to Socrates explains the nature of man and the rationale on which man thinks. Socrates believed that, man is a product of his thoughts. Socrates questioned the way we attach importance to what people say without understanding the principle of individual thinking.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Perception of the Self according to Socrates specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The capacity of a man is a product of the self in him; this formed the basis of Socrates argument. He emphasized that; man must believe in his or her principles and should not follow the wagon effect of the society. We find ourselves in situations that will require our careful examination, but we often accept what people say on the issue. Socrates proposed that logical thoughts would be more productive than accepting a patterned way of doing things. The product of logical thinking is a patterned thought w hich is not influenced by the majority. To further his arguments, Socrates proposed a method of logical thinking. He believed that this would help each person evaluate his or her actions and thoughts based on the strength of logical thinking (Noe 4). Critically examine people’s comment and assumption: The common belief should be subjected to examination. The belief that it pays to work hard or that marriage makes a man responsible. Put forward a reversal to these statements: It is true that the society follows fashioned assumptions. One should be able to find a reversal to these assumptions. Provide a proof that man can be responsible without being married, and show that hard work do not always pay in the end. These reversals to a patterned way of life will help an individual build his or her confidence. There are no credible statements than yours: When you are able to fine the reversals to the statements, you will conclude that many statements and assumptions are misleading . This will help you build your confidence in logical thinking. Formulate your statements from observations: The examination of logical thinking will provide the basis of new statements. Marriage can make a responsible man live happily and wrong work is different from hard work. Develop yourself: Make it a habit to always examine the statements of people and find the reversal to those statements. The strength of a man is weighed by his actions and statements; this is the defining principle on which we must stand. Socrates argued that philosophy can be analyzed not only by the elites, but by the common man. The ability to make a statement devoid of what people think or say is a product of self. Socrates emphasized that the human soul is immortal and is a product of different perceptions. Socrates believed that the human soul exists in two forms; the transformation realm and the constant position. The evil in the human mind is a product of the benefits he or she imagined. An individu al will act based on his or her perceived thoughts which is based on what good he or she will derive from the action (Noe 3). In conclusion, we are what we think of ourselves and we must act accordingly. Socrates provided examples to show that philosophical thinking can be done even by the common man. Logical thinking is the ability to examine each statement independently not minding the opinion of the majority. Works Cited Noe, Alva 2009, Direct Perception. PDF file. Web.Advertising Looking for essay on philosophy? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This essay on The Perception of the Self according to Socrates was written and submitted by user Case Y. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.